campervan man

By campervan


Today was a big day for "the project" Seven tons of plum slate was delivered this afternoon. I had laid down a tarpaulin in the morning but the wind, gusting up to 30 mph made it difficult to keep it down so lots of bricks, paving stones sand bags etc. had to be used. It is now held in place by a large pile of slate. Some has been moved, lots more to do but getting ever closer to finishing.
A few days ago I blipped one of our wedding photos, having uncovered the album in a box in the loft. Not only was the wedding pictures in the box but the few vinyl's I kept when we moved 10 years ago. Sadly my first ever LP, Leonard Cohen's Songs from a Room was not there (probably worn out years ago) but several other favorite's were there. 
One of these treasures is the double LP of The Who's Tommy with a full orchestra that I bought after seeing the live show in1973 at the Rainbow Theatre in Finsbury Park Astoria. The blip is from the shows programme that must have been inside the LP cover for almost 50 years. 
Next time I get desperate for a blip I now have a few album covers available to me.

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