COP Day One
The weather looked much better than forecast so I walked into town to get a sense of what was going on. I saw zero rats, one fly tipped headboard (single) and some Gaelic graffiti (missing an accent) which loosely translated meant freedom fairy.
I ambled along a bit of Clyde, got a blip, and then returned to the city centre via the Tradeston Footbridge. I don’t think I have seen Glasgow so quiet, outwith the early days of lockdown. There were two small demonstrations with no observers in George Square, and Queens Street Station was deserted. A few TV cameras outside the Millennium Hotel which always used to be a good place for spotting political celebrities if that was your thing, and a significant police presence. The Transport Liaison Police looked very welcoming in their sky blue tabards.
Found a copy of A Quartet in Autumn, I must have read it when it was first published and nominated for the Booker Prize in the late seventies but I have no recollection. And I bought a pair of fox themed jumper-roo socks for Liv, they rattle when waved about.
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