
I don't know who he is,but I spotted him on the corner of a building when I went to post a birthday card to my ex MiL. She was lovely to me when I was with her son and we've stayed in touch ever since we split up, over 20 years ago. She doesn't look any different either.

I'm not sure what happened today but London was heaving. Not the office, or not my floor anyway ( it's always cold in the building on a Monday, they don't turn the heating on at the weekend) but there were so many people in the streets. It was great, except when they were in front of me while I queued to get a sandwich for lunch. 

The gym was a bit mad busy too.

I sense a bit of a set too coming with my mother over Christmas. She's still refusing to get vaccinated and it's too risky for us to visit with No.1 working in a Covid testing centre as well as Himself and I commuting most days. I wish she'd see sense, or at least talk to her GP about her concerns. She'd rather rely on the internet!

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