
After rounding off the latest phase of my contribution to the solver, I decided to go out for a think about how to tackle the next issue. Penicuik Town Hall has been hiding behind scaffolding for months, as a fortune is spent to preserve it. Thankfully it's not being paid for directly by Midlothian tax payers because, much as it has historical significance in the town - it was built as the Cowan Institute, funded by the town's major paper maker - I don't consider it to have any architectural merit. 

Back home, I discovered that the fitters were putting the final touches to our new kitchen, after just six days of work. They've earned a lot in those six days, but the work has clearly been done to a high standard, and with quality materials. It will look better in daylight - and once we've got better ceiling lighting - but I've added a "just finished" view as an extra, to be compared with what was there before. It'll also look better when we've painted the wall that was previously covered by a cupboard.

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