Sunday?. Rainday.

So many of the trees are losing the leaves but this maple's still looking wonderful. First thing I see when I look out of the window in the morning. 

The sun came out so we decided to take Fletch out. It did look a bit dark out to sea but we thought it would blow in the other direction. Wrong. 

At the farthest point from home it poured. We stood sheltering under a tree as of cause this was the one time I'd not put on a rain jacket.  It did pass and a watery sun came out. We decided to go back past the old mills. Lots of huge puddles stretching across the path, quite deep in places. At least the waterproofing spray on my boots seems to have worked. 

Darker of course this afternoon and by 5pm the light has gone! Not teatime walk for Fletch .. pouring again. 
Roll on Spring!

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