A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A little brightness.

A dreadful  morning but I was hopeful the afternoon would be like yesterday. So with a bit of sun and blue sky I set out just after lunch. Stopping for a chat with my neighbour in her garden it was raining again before I got any further.

I walked on to the garden centre for a little look around. The car park was quite busy being a Sunday but not too bad inside.
The Christmas shop is already open but like last year there is no Santa land.

Didn’t really find anything I wanted and as I could hear heavy rain on the roof I decided to go no further. A good job as the rain was worse than ever later.

This row of cherry trees on the edge of the field by the garden centre we’re looking very colourful. There are usually horses here but they obviously knew where to go to keep dry. 
Got home without getting too wet. Not a night for trick or treaters here, I think it was a bit drier in the SW so hopefully the Bath family will have got out and about amongst there neighbours.

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