
By JeanSnaps

It's Hallowe'en.

Another wet gloomy day.  There was supposed to be a gleam of sunshine in the afternoon but it didn't happen.  Didn''t go out at all except to feed the birds. I felt I did enough walking for two days yesterday.  Tidied two cupboards looking for the missing piece of my hoover but no trace.  I'll have to e-mail the firm and see if I can get a replacement part.  Cleaned the bathroom but otherwise lay about reading.  I reckoned there would be no guizers  because of the weather but found some sweets and went out to the car to get some change from my holiday parking hoard.  Perfect timing as Emma drew up in her car and Courtney appeared in a very fetching witch outfit.  Courtney got some sweets and a fifty pence piece.  She's very good at saying thank you.  She's been at her Gran's this afternoon and has had a lovely time.  Had a mild panic as I'd completely forgotten about today's blip but a black cat ornament and the inside lid of a patchwork box I made year's ago came to the rescue.  It's amazing how a bit of panic gets the brain working.

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