Two chefs!

My son and family came for a weekend visit today.  It was his 40th birthday last week and I sent his main present through the post but gave him a little extra today.  He is an expert on Napoleon and the Napoleonic wars having been interested in them since being a small boy.  I thought that this Napoleon apron fitted the bill.  The little hands behind him are tying the strings.

My brother malcornorton called in this morning to bring his present, two big boxes of different kinds of beer brewed by our cousin who has a brewery in Cornwall.  That went down very well too!

F and my son took my broken music recorder to pieces and twiddled with it.  It now plays but won't switch off. At least I can get the important stuff off it.

The cakes from yesterday went down well,my granddaughter wants me to make them every time that she comes.

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