The Pirate & the Spider...

...sounds like a book title!
Our lovely lovely Caña Club friends had got sweets for the kids to go collect, so after finishing outfits (Asha found this idea and made it happen herself) we were off out in the rain...first stop Nude cafe where Chris had bought them pumpkin baskets and put sweets stop Ricardo on the streets who ooh'ed and ahh'ed to make the kids feel good...then up the hill to James and Rich, along to Todd and Stephen, down back into town where a lady in a shop came out to give them both sweets, then over to Craig on the streets who was our final scheduled stop. They came home damp but happy.
This afternoon Danny went off to help Stephen move his stuff over to a temporary flat. The kids and I watched Paddington and made a comfort food bolognese - we cooked it for hours and it tasted amazing!
Mitch was flavour of the month/day as he came home with a mini bow and arrow for Nate...much target practice has been going on!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The variety of friends who chipped in for the kids to wander round and see.
2) A tasty tasty tea on a damp and drizzly day.
3) Stephen being almost done with the's been a huge task. 

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