
By fairyhedgehog

Sky with Plane

So, today it rained and the patio men didn't come. They want paying for all but a smidgen of the work, and I really want to talk to them about how they're going to finish before I do that. We've paid half so far.

Neil and James had their flu jabs today. Neil cycled to the chemist for his, and while he was there the heavens opened. I was on my way to the same chemist with James so I offered to give Neil a lift back, but I was in the wrong car to pick up the bike as well, so I dropped James, took Neil home, swapped cars, and went to get James and the bike. At least they're both jabbed now.

Later the skies were beautiful. It's so changeable right now.

And my gift to my new granddaughter finally made it to her house. It took three days to get from here to Germany, and thirteen days to clear German customs now that we're not in the EU. I just hope it still fits!

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