Shopped for Mum ... batteries for the alarm clock, rat poison for the ...... Mum saw a rat on the bird bath yesterday. She only puts out a few crumbs each day hoping the blackbird, robin, sparrows & dunnocks clear up leaving nothing to tempt vermin but living where she does its difficult. Indie sniffs out the boundary every morning as soon as she's let out.
Very mild but quite windy walking Indie this morning, a few spots of rain, but not enough to throw the jacket on. When I returned Mum was gardening, so I joined her, cut back all the border where the Michaelmas daisies have taken over using the hedge trimmer. Had a lengthy chat with Leslie & Jago over the garden wall as they were returning from one of their daily walks. They explore all over the south west, so envious. I would love to walk everyday exploring the footpaths. We finish at midday, time for a coffee & Danish pastry.
Back home for 1pm .. hubby sat doing the Sudoku, he sits there all day long staring at the puzzles, no conversation. I feel invisible. Not much conversation today.
I headed up to the greenhouse, the rain lashing down, Bobby robin chittering away on the fence. Love 'im! Rainy day jobs consisted of plaiting the harvested onions so that I could hang them up in the shed, making room for the tender plants that will need to come in soon. I cleaned the benches moved plants etc. around. Need to plant up a winter hanging basket for outside the front door, the summer basket still looking good with plenty of colour. Can't get inspired..... I digress, next job, hubby wants some St. Paulia, now called Streptocarpus, leaves propagated. I did 6 pots with some strong healthy looking leaves from the numerous plants we have dotted around the house. Went to get some water from the water butt a fatality. A small rodent obviously drowned. :-( I've put netting across the top of each butt hoping to prevent such a thing happening. As I tried to retrieve it, it sank down to the bottom of the butt. Another job :-((. Hubby went off to bed in a huff after dinner last night, missing the 3rd episode of The Long Call. I suggested he watched it as the final episode is on at 9pm tonight. I loaded it up & he played it, not sure he was really interested though.
Back indoors out of the rain, I made the batter for the toad in the hole for dinner. Watched Tipping Point, then The Chase. Cider o'clock. Magners has gone up £7 a case just like that so I've gone local .. Thatcher's Haze. It hits the spot. :-D On days like these I look forward to a cider.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday #monochrome
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