Afternoon ......

...... Tea!
I hosted an afternoon tea for these 2 lovely ladies. We chatted for 2 & half hours between drinking tea & sharing home made scones, salmon sandwich & chocolate Eclairs. C & N have known each other for some years , only meeting up on social occasions. N is the Rector's wife from. St. John's church & C is lovely Senior Hon. Curate from St Georges Church where we all met 30 years ago ( gosh how time flies) . Lots of water has gone under the bridge since then, but, hey ho we're all here still.
Talking about lovely ladies , there's another one who surprised me this morning when the postman delivered my post & also a parcel containing a Box Set of Morse films. What a lovely kind lady, yes, it's a blipper ( you know who you are) . This site just breeds more & more wonderful people. I so appreciate everyone who makes it such a brilliant site.
So all in all you could say I've had a fabulous day.
Do hope everyone out there have enjoyed your day too.

Thoughtful ..... about all the wonderful friends I have. A big big thank you for the parcel delivery

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