
By fitzbilly

Bulk Cement Boogie

Our bathroom tiler finished the grouting this morning (it all looks good by the way), but meanwhile there's been a lot, lot more going on next door. Today they reached the concrete stage.

But where does my blip title come in. Well, when I was at uni I played in a trio with two mates. I was guitar, and we had a bass player and a singer. We wrote all our own material. Two songs to be precise - 'So Long To Make You Mine' and 'Vanessa'. There is a recording of 'So Long ...' and it makes me cringe to listen to it. We were in the process of writing a third number when we split up, probably due to irreconcilable differences in the direction we wanted our music to take. We had a working title 'Bulk Cement Boogie', and I like to think it could have developed in the same way that Scrambled Eggs became Yesterday. We could have been huge :-) Oh well.

We left the tiler this morning to pop down the road to see the GP, face to face. Mrsfb had been summoned to discuss a report they had received from the audiology department at the hospital after her recent hearing test. It turned out to be a waste of time as the GP said that 'they' had written to the specialist as for a referral, which would take months, as opposed to writing for an opinion which should take a week or so.  We were polite in front of the GP but both came out with the same word as we left - incompetent. We shouldn't have had to go really, and subjected ourselves to unnecessary risk as there was a guy in his 80s opposite us in the waiting room coughing and clearly having difficulty breathing. Probably not Covid but you do worry.

In other news
(i) the window cleaner came this morning as well. He isn't able to reach the windows above the veranda, so we will have to do those ourselves, which we can do quite easily from the inside. Begs the question why do we have a window cleaner at all?
(ii) I found a potential gardener. He was doing some work on the house opposite the green bin you can see in my blip. He seemed to be doing a very tidy job and though he is fully booked at the moment I got the feeling he might think about fitting some work in for us. We do need a gardener!

Finally, this afternoon we made a quick visit to the Co-op as we needed some things and I saw on my Co-op app that I had £5 of vouchers which expired this week. I had trouble getting the app to work in the shop because of the poor signal, but eventually found and used the vouchers. I noticed that since discovering them yesterday the expiry date had been extended anyway to 2022. Bourton was pretty busy (half term) but what made us smile was the family having a picnic next to their car in the Co-op car park as it charged up in the charging bay.

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