
A few of you lovely Blippers have been asking us how we're getting on with tidying up our sun terrace and a few more of you have been asking if Tony got his underpants??!!

So here are the updates:

Ann has painted 9 pots - only another 8 to go. She hasn't done anything else on the sun terrace because she's either been too busy or the weather hasn't been good. And she certainly won't be going out there today. It's freezing.....................

As for Tony's underpants - yes he bought four new pairs. And doesn't he look smart??!! Even if he does think he's been transformed into a 'superman lookalike'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ann's friends, Caroline & Tony have just left so 'Good Friday' for us is going to be spent cleaning & tidying. Ann's very lovely niece is coming to stay on Monday & Ann's working at the weekend so we have lots to do today.

However, Ann says if she finishes all her jobs this morning she'll take me for an extra long walk this afternoon. Yay!

Happy Easter Blippers. x?

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