Look who stopped by and said Hi!
Today after getting home from work I was greeted with some angry birds. Knowing how explosive they are, I quickly pulled out the spare humming bird feeder, made up a batch of food and a hummingbird landed on it before I had it hung up. Poor thing was hungry. This is the first time I have run out. First it was two days every fill, then one and lately, not even a day... So now the hummers have two feeders to choose from and hopefully at least one will always have something in it.
As I was sitting outside watching the birds, I was hoping the white crowned sparrow would make an appearance. I saw one the other day as they stop by only twice a year. Well this lovely Steller's Jay paused on the fence with some lovely autumn leaves on the background. Wonderful when a blip "happens".
Enjoying an afternoon off from work with a moderate day planned for tomorrow.
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