Winter Wonders

The sunsets in winter are almost always stunning, much more so than in the summer. 
I spent the first part of the morning at the coffee meet up with a few of the English speaking church - as ever, lovely to see them! Home to do more washing for Ricky and other bits and bobs. I met Danny and the kids in a local park after school, armed with a picnic. Great to have an hour or so there. 
Danny and I dragged the kids out to watch the sunset tonight - I'm so glad we did! Though unfortunately my camera battery ran out early on! Later on we could see the rain falling out of the clouds into the sea! Quite a crazy sight really!
Home for Sole's delicious food she gave us yesterday. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Dinner with Mitch - he's got some cash in hand work so we've not seen him as much. It was good to have time together.
2) Fun with Asha in the park.
3) Wonderful Jud who left the island today.

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