The full dozen
Eggs, very free range, love the feather still attached to the bottom left one, but sadly not from my gorgeous Lavender Pekin bantams. Their eggs are creamy white in colour and very small. When I had my Pekins I didn't have them for their egg production but for their beauty and sweet natures. I did enjoy very small omelettes after collecting a few eggs, when they deigned to lay!
Mr HB and I have had our Covid booster jabs today. We haven't heard anything from our Health Centre so dropped-in to our local Covid drop-in centre this afternoon and were very pleased to be accepted, jabbed and in and out with no fuss. Only our flu jabs to get now.
This evening: slightly sore arms, otherwise we're both fine thus far, and very grateful to the Pharmacy in St.Helens who were the kind deliverers of the vaccines to our town today.
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