Trying to connect you …

So far, every service provider to our new home has turned up on time. Today it was the turn of the plumber. A plan to improve some of the facilities has been hatched.

The new streaming tv and accompanying broadband also arrived on time as expected. I set everything up very quickly but despite 4 green lights the WiFi password was continually rejected! After a lengthy phone call it emerged that the final letter on the password was actually a capital I and not a lowercase L!!

As we migrate from a very expensive VM to one that rhymes with “spy glass” we are still being harassed by the former demanding to know why we have not yet returned the set top box. “It’s in storage in Edinburgh” doesn’t impress them!

The aforementioned VM are busy digging up Cheltenham as I write. Our rental house road has suddenly become a three way traffic control situation!

I do wonder where all the soil that is excavated and taken away in these familiar trucks actually goes?

Edinburgh was going through a similar highway puncturing process as we left 109 days ago. Have they finished now, I wonder?

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