Percy Pumpkin

How I envy these friends of mine who go to bed and sleep for 8 hours at a stretch. I have to say there are not many of them, most of us sleep considerably less than that in one stretch and I seem to hold the record for surviving on the minimum. I can distinctly remember my mother complaining on a regular basis of ‘never having had a wink of sleep last night’ which made me vow never to complain about lack of sleep to my children - I am doing it to you instead.
Suffice it to say I had a relatively bad night but it hasn’t affected me today. I trudged hither and thither this morning delivering a birthday card to my oldest grandson who is 20 today and going cross country to Bruntsfield for shopping and a coffee , encountering on the way this cheery pumpkin, peering out at passers by from behind his garden gate.

The last 2 days of wind have caused a huge leaf fall but the there has been no autumnal colour yet in the trees here.
The rain is never far away but is light and showery although it has caught me out twice today.

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