Spring in autumn
I have always loved the way we get a glimpse of spring at this time of year: the odd primroses showing yellow, magnolia flowers packed in teddybear cases and catkins and leaf buds furled tight but all complete, waiting for lengthening days.
This sprig of catkins (each one approx 8mm/less than half an inch long) came home in my pocket from the butterfly reserve yesterday. It's part of a recently renewed cut-and-laid hazel hedge. I also brought back a small twig of rosehips, but found them much more difficult to blip to my satisfaction. The catkins were set up to blip in a corner of my bedroom this morning. I wonder if the central heating will eventually bring them out . Hmm..
So this is my entry for today's TinyTuesday. Very many thanks to KangaZu for hosting.
Take care, lovely peeps. Hope your week's going well xx
Sorry, I have to add to this that I've done quite a lot of commenting tonight, but not enough. However, my shoulder is hurting so much it's going to have to be hearts and stars only for the rest of tonight ;(((
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