A really dark grey day today, very drecih this morning, and apart from the drizzle stopping it hasn't improved a whole - but then it is late October.

I've done a lot of photo sorting today so do feel I've achieved a something so that is good.  I've also made a brief start on using LightRoom as a management tool and not just for editing.  It's very small but I'm beginning to understand the basics a little more.  Still a long way to go but it's a start.

A little worried about  G as I've been trying to call him since 10.30 this morning with no reply.  Now I suspect that his brother has somehow pulled the plug out as this has happened before, but not for a long time.  I will just have to be patient until G makes his usual late afternoon call.  If he doesn't then I will panic yikes!!!

Anyway that is all for today.  I hope you are all well, do stay safe and take care.  See you all tomorrow.

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