Making the most of it

If the forecast is correct we've had the best day of the week today.  Forecast sunshine, got that and showers - see extra pic, yes, we did get wet!   The morning sunshine encouraged me to bring this potted Crocus laevigatus into the porch where the extra warmth opened the flowers beautifully.   It's a paler coloured form than the one I showed yesterday from outside and has more delicate feathering on the outside of the petals.

Necessary admin this morning including getting the car booked in for two new tyres and a look at the failed air conditioning unit.   I also talked to an optician about a little problem with my right eye.   Hopefully a little problem ... they offered an emergency appointment this afternoon but as it's an hours drive away and they said I shouldn't drive back for at least four hours after, we decided I'd call again tomorrow and do something a little more planned.   Planned is going by bus!   Hoping they can fit me into the two hour window before the bus back.

The rest of the day was for pleasure (apart from 50 mins at work.)   A long walk for Meg started and ended in sunshine but the heavy shower part way round added colour to the experience.  At least we'd pretty much dried off by the time we got back.   Tonight Jamie and I saw the latest Marvel film at The Magic Lantern.  An oriental theme, lots of action of course.   Fun!

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