Acers are Ace!!

I went over to my Dad's today - I went a bit earlier so I could get the earlier train home as I wanted to pop to town. The thing I wanted to get is now no longer available... oh well! 

I took this shot on the way back to the station. There had been a shower but the sun was shining again - the light was great, and the little red Acer tree really stood out!

The last twice I have been into town I have been buttonholed by street evangelists. I have stopped and chatted each time as I like a discussion. But there is no common ground to be found so far... They are very intolerant of LGBTQI+ issues and outdated views on the role of women.  I don't think I could ever adopt such a narrow view on life and they seem to think I'm a bit scary...

Tonight Zeph and I had tea early since he has an early start tomorrow and does not want to be too late to bed. Brian is late home as there are problems with the alarm at work and he has to wait for an engineer. Then he has a weeks' holiday to look forward to.

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