
By JeanSnaps

Surprise over Falkland Hill.

A new week and hopefully the start of a normal routine one.  I wanted to do a lot and began with exercises which I've had a  break from. A quickish breakfast than a search for someone to repair my shower.  Everyone is terribly busy unfortunately. I left a message with someone local and am waiting to see if I hear back.  Got on then with dusting, cleaning and disinfecting the kitchen which is where Julie cuts my hair. I'll need to go over a few bits again tomorrow morning.  Yesterdays laundry put away.  Cyclamen which has been waiting for a while planted. Actually had lunch at a normal lunchtime.  I had meant to dust the sitting room but time had beat me so it got postponed.  Went off to get money from the ATM, put my prescription into the chemist, take glass to the recycling and photograph at two places on the hill road to Leslie.   Ha !   The main street was chock a block. It seemed like every tourist and hillwalker had decided to visit Falkland today. Couldn't get parked anywhere never mind near the Post Office or the Bank's ATMs.  Went to the car park  which is near the chemist and left my prescription. The recycling is there so got rid of all the glass.  Decided I would photograph next  and went past the violin shop towards the hill road to find the street completely blocked by a huge lorry unloading something.  Managed to turn into a side road and get back to the main street.  My luck had turned. Someone had moved and left a space beside the ATM albeit on double yellow lines.  Got in and can now pay Julie cash tomorrow.  Went back home then out again to try the hill road once more.   Wonderful !    The lorry had gone.  A minor traffic jam with cars coming out of Falkland Estate then I was off.   Passed Craigmead car park for walkers which was full.  Further on the lay by I hoped to stop in had a car parked there already.  It began to rain and I very meanly hoped it would send everyone home.  Turned through a couple of bends and saw East Lomond from a different angle.  There was a rainbow !    And a farm track with a wide entrance.  I was able to stop without blocking anything and by the time I was out with my camera the rainbow was brighter and there was a faint double, both framing the hill.  I blessed all the previous obstacles which had brought me there just at the right moment.  Wished the tourists and the walkers well.  The rainbow faded.  Short lived.  I'll probably never see another one framing the hill like that.  Came home to find I probably had time to dust the sitting room but tomorrow is another day. Tea and cake won the day.

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