Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Eden Bridge arches

Aarrgghh... so frustrating to lose everything just as you're about to press the save button!! That's laptops for you, too blooming sensitive!!

So here we go again....Met up with PaulaJ in Bitts Park this afternoon to try and find some more of the flood defence plaques. We managed to find a few, there's much more information is in PaulaJ's journal.

If anybody was watching us they must have wondered what on earth we were doing, walking up and down looking at the wall and retracing our steps. At one point we had a root around in some undergrowth and then noticed the cctv signs! I was half expecting to be accosted by somebody in uniform wanting to know what we were up to. It was all good fun and at least Bonnie and her friend got a walk too!

As we were about to walk under the Eden Bridge I noticed the perspective of the arches and decided to blip them and I really like it in mono.

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