Small World

I had a bit of a surprise this morning when I saw LadyMarchmont's blip, with La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona as backdrop. It was early, but I figured out that she had to be pretty close. I suggest a coffee blip meet in the afternoon, and she accepted.

I was considering giving the blip "Drinking Problem" as title, and you may discover why if you go LARGE! A very special coffee drinking technique.

It was a real pleasure to meet the Lady and her travel companion JR, and we discovered that she lives in the street where I used to live during my student years in Edinburg. A small world indeed!

This morning Eva and I went to the local travel agent and asked for a trip to... anywhere! So tomorrow we are off to a country we have never visited, so we are quite exited. I hope to be able to post my blips regularly, but please don't expect a high activity level.

Have a great Easter!

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