Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Last day of holiday. We had to be out of the cottage by 9am and Nick had entered F&P into a mini marathon which kicked off just before the Abersoch half marathon. Our kids have never really been into running but said they'd give it a go. It was 1.2 miles up the beach. Eva started off ok but pulled up in tears about 300m from the start line saying she didn't like it. Think she just found the whole thing overwhelming and lost her confidence. We knew she'd be upset later not to have done it so Mike ran it with her in his jeans and down jacket!! Even though she ran back then stopped for a while she still didn't come last. So proud of her as it took guts to carry on after she'd effectively given up. Tobes did well but found it tough running on the sand. Glad they tried it even if it's to say running is not for them.

We went for a big slap up breakfast afterwards before going our separate ways. We stopped in Betwys y coed on the way home as I wanted to have a look for some new hiking boots. My 15 yr old pair have sprung a leak and I've had soggy feet all week. They have done many miles so they don't owe me anything. I ended up buying the same make and model but blimey noticed how the prices have inflated since I bought the last pair!! Ouch!

Then it was back to mums to collect Charley and Flora before heading home. Had a fab week. Can't wait to see Nell and the horses tomorrow.

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