It's been a sepia kinda day
A lovely walk over Chudleigh Knighton heath, no sunshine today though, so I went sepia. Indie went sepia too. This was just before we went down to the river so Indie could have a rinse off before heading back to Mum's. This is also just before I spotted a plastic Lucozade bottle, a tennis ball, & a chunk of polystyrene gathered in a tiny pool of water on the side of the river, which I decided I needed to retrieve & dispose of responsibly. Damn pollution! So this is where I probably put down Indie's lead, which I did'nt realise I was'nt carrying until we were half way back the old railway track. Grhhhh! We retraced our steps down to the waters edge, but I did'nt spot it. Brown leather lead. Nah! Only one thing for it, detach the carrying strap from my camera case, thread my camera case onto my belt, et voila! One temporary dog's lead. Indie was thrilled as you can tell.
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