
By Madchickenwoman


Oscar had his yearly injections and health check today. Humans still not allowed inside the vets so I sat outside in the sun and played with the cat who likes to sit on the windowsill. I listened to a long  post-op talk from a nurse to a dogs owner. I had not a care in the world and was looking forward to stopping at the delicious Farm shop on the way home. So imagine my shock when the vet told me she had heard a heart murmur. She said he was young to develop one, unless it just hadn't been caught before. I could wait 6 months and have it checked again or see a specialist. I opted for the latter. 
Oscar and I had a walk thru the fields after parking at the shop and we met a couple with 2  Airedales. Turns out one had been diagnosed with a heart murmur recently and was on tablets and was doing fine. We continued our walk through this tranquil countryside, Oscar blissfully unaware and me still agitated. After buying delicious treats it was home to research heart murmurs and post on the Berger facebook group. I was relieved to hear many Bergers had had the same diagnosis and that it was fairy common in the breed and many just had it checked yearly. Also stress can cause it. Oscar does hate the vets and it was a vet he hadn't seen before so fingers crossed it's nothing ominous. 
So I have to wait for a specialist cardiology vet to contact me from Bude about an hours drive from me to get Oscar will  checked out. 

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