
By maureen6002

Garlanded with berries

It’s been a busy day, but I’ve managed a quick visit to the reserve in Conwy. It’s a day of sunshine and showers, dark clouds and rainbows - hills shrouded in mist while fields and trees glow brilliantly in the light. 

Whilst this is, of course, an RSPB reserve, it’s also - as I’m sure you’ll know by now - home to a small herd of Carneddau ponies who earn their keep by grazing to maintain the landscape. And it is one of their number who stars in today’s blip. She may well be the same mare who’s featured previously - but here she’s garlanded in autumn berries rather than summer flowers (best viewed large!) 

I had hoped to catch up with comments today, but once again I’ve failed! At last I’m posting my blip slightly earlier! 

Have a great weekend everyone! 

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