Northern Exposure

By Northern

Blipkid no.2

After the excitement of yesterday’s wedding, today was spent ferrying old folks and sundry decorations around lowland Scotland. All our tasks completed we have now settled in to our rather palatial holiday apartment in Moffat. Although we did have another task, to eat a giant pile of doughnuts that we’re supposed to have been put out for wedding guests and we’re forgotten about. A tough job but we will soldier on.

I see that this is Blip’s 17 anniversary. Seems I chose a good time to unlapse my blipping. As everyone knows this is a great community and I think the biggest joy and privilege has been to watch all the blip kids grow up. So it seems fitting that as yesterday’s blip was all about our firstborn blipkid, this one should feature the secondborn. I’m sure there have been a lot of blips over the years of Campbell lounging on the sofa playing with a Nintendo games consol. I guess what goes around, comes around.

So congratulations to all in blipland. The blippers and the blipped!

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