Room For The Day

For my record, when I look back and need reminding of what I used to do...

Up to IESE early to review programme progress on various fronts with Marc over a coffee in Q300.  He joined me in Q407 for a link to Thomas, our mutual blood brother in Oslo, to touch base and review how we can progress some work together.  Then, a hugely creative meeting with Thomas to drive the B5-PLUS movement forward including expansion into Germany and Latin America, as well as consolidating in Spain. Next was working on line with a globally dispersed vice president team of a major automotive manufacturer who I am mentoring on a six-month development journey to deliver a breakthrough project for their company's competitive advantage. All before a four-hour slot with my new company's project working with a multinational engineering company to develop their game-changing leaders of the next generation with ten great projects being presented and delivered in the last ten months and the new CEO inviting some of them to his office next week for further consultation. Finally, straight into coaching three up-and-coming managers from Spain, Germany and Nigeria into the mysteries of peer coaching in an intense session with three rounds of trio work. Plus late-breaking news coming through from Seville that we made a breakthrough in incorporating the B5-PLUS knowledge into a TLI case study discussion with a cohort of 30, led by a Mexican professor which represents a world first!   To close, a walk back into town to meet Dd for a beer and some boquerones fritos and bravas around the block.

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