12 today

And like that, she’s 12. They ain’t lying when they say it flies by.

She woke me up far earlier than planned. Obviously. She didn’t leave me to sleep like planned. Obviously. She woke hounded me repeatedly til I got my sorry ass out of bed. Obviously.

She was delightful all day. Obviously.

Birthday breakfast first including the ceremonial unwrapping of her annual badge. This year: rainbow, dinosaur, Harry Potter, music, orange and sparkly. In one badge. Traditional breakfast of watermelon and lucky charms. With a side of M and Ms.

Gifts. Each one so delightedly appreciated. Her “total joy” face is wonderful. She loved her Harry Potter cook book. Her new giant hoody thing. Socks. Her Liberty bauble.  Everything. But I made her save the biggest til last. And she exploded. The one item on her birthday list that she didn’t even write because she didn’t dare to ask was the Lego weasley house. Several of us clubbed together and it was so brilliant to see her surprise & excitement.

The sun was glorious so we went for a walk, stopping at Tesco for a few essentials on the way home. We got home to a stunning hand tied bouquet delivery with a balloon on the doorstep. She felt so special to be sent flowers (by her godmother). Two parcels appeared shortly after we got in. Then B arrived! Wonderful gifts, fun time and the suggestion that Katie might like to venture out to our celebration spot. Pizza Express lunch with everything thrown in (pesto doughballs..... mmmm nice addition!). Really leisurely , happy couple of hours. We got home and friends stopped in to wish katie happy birthday. Followed shortly by grandad and granny. More gifts. Playtime with balloons. An impromptu music recital for them. And a slow cooked lamb casserole with trimmings for tea. She flagged shortly after! A wonderful day.

Katie at 12
Is size 4 shoe
Is about 150cm tall. Probably. She’s growing too fast to keep up. (Edit.... she's 147cm... we checked!)
Has lost 10 teeth.
Has moved to specialist music school
Has started a new ballet school
Is in g5 and intermediate ballet
Has done g8 bassoon, g6 piano. Loves her saxophone.
Loves jazz
Is obsessed with dinosaurs, rainbows and of course Harry Potter
Still hates odd numbers
Has about 53 monkeys
Her favourite shows are Once, Lego Friends and Friends.
Her favourite movie is Free Guy. And all the Harry Potter.

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