Death to mosquitos
Friday I realized I need to do something about the mosquitos so I can enjoy the garden from my little table under the deck and not from inside the door, looking out. Saturday while walking Samuel and wearing a hoodie with mosquito repellent on it I was bit in the neck (my hood was down) and hand! Sunday morning a mosquito attacked me IN MY KITCHEN. It was a full-frontal assault, not even an attempt to be sneaky. THIS IS WAR.
A few years ago my neighbor recommended a mosquito-killing device and we both agree they used to work. I found that there is a satchel of additional attractant you can add to the device AND that the manufacturer recommends you replace the bulb every four months. It is the middle of October and both of us are doing this.
I want to be vinca when I grow up. I want to grow periwinkle little flowers and always be bright green and healthy, stretching out to get what I need even if one spot in life is difficult.
I'm going to lift the cardboard and stone and chop up all the vinca.
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