In The Mirror

The mirror in the foreground has a nice story. It is one of a pair that I bought several years ago on a visit to England. For one full week, my long-suffering husband had allowed himself to be dragged from one antique shop to another the length and breadth of the land. I was on a quest to find The Perfect Mirror. There was a clear image in my mind of what it should look like, and I wasn't going to stop searching until it was found.

On the last day of our trip, I had pretty much conceded defeat. We were in Dorking, Surrey when my husband spied an antique shop bursting at the seams with all manner of weaponry. Feeling that the poor man deserved some quality time with things more manly than gilt looking glasses, I happily agreed to explore this bastion of ordnance.

In amongst all the blunderbusses, harquebuses, cannons, rapiers, pistols, maces, and other prickly iron things were a pair of the most dainty giltwood mirrors imaginable. They looked so strange and out of place there, and I can only imagine the shop owner had reluctantly agreed to display them for a friend with very different tastes to his own!

So it all worked out for the best. I came home with two Perfect Mirrors, and the martial shop owner was relieved of his elegant burden!

Special Disclaimer: No husbands were harmed in the mirror-hunting process.

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