Perfect weather for seed sorting

in the greenhouse. I achieved a lot this morning, condensing  seed that had been spread out to dry, "sorting the wheat from the chaff". I think some cheeky little rodents have been feasting on the sunflower heads I'd left to dry. I brought more home from the allotment to dry for the bird feeders, they have not been nibbled. Perennial sweet pea, French marigold, Pot marigold, Dierama, Cosmos, purple Honesty, Tithonia, Foxglove, antirrhinum, Borage, Cerinthe for today's blip, & various wild flower seed heads, I've mixed together for casting outside as soon as I've prepared the ground, I've brought them all indoors to dry completely as it's a tad damp in the greenhouse. The Cerinthe seed are expensive to buy, Thompson & Morgan £3 for 15 seed. Once established they self seed quite freely, I harvested mine from a neighbours plot on the allotment site. There are some lovely plump seeds forming on the Morning Glory plant that was given to me earlier in the year by a very kind gentleman in Bovey Tracey so I must check to see when is a good time to harvest them.
This afternoon I've been surfing the net in search of a new car. Not found one yet. Boring!!  I had a browse through the Blip images, quickly switching back to the AutoTrader website when hubby asked if I'd found a car... Ops!!! I'm going to get into trouble if I'm not careful. Hana-fukin. Now that is interesting. No! I've got enough craft stuff already.
Thanks to KangZu for hosting Tiny Tuesday

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