Taking the Bull by the Horns

I took a chance with the weather this morning and it didn’t pay off.
It often says there’s a 40% chance of rain and it stays dry, so I took the bull by the horns and went out anyway. It was a mistake.

I wanted to do a recce at the West End for a luncheon date I’m going to in a fortnight and find exactly where I had to go.

I got so wet I made that the excuse for going into Hotel Chocolate for a hot chocolate to warm me up. That was probably the biggest mistake I’ve made on the culinary front for a long time as I gazed at the mug topped with an enormous swirl of cream. However, nothing ventured nothing gained, and I regret to say it all disappeared quite quickly.

My wet clothes are in the airing cupboard and I see that the sun valiantly trying to come out. It was all bad timing on my part.

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