This wasn’t how I expected the day to end when I set out on a 60 mile journey to meet friends at a National Trust property this morning. The clutch pedal got stuck as I changed gear round a corner, just 6 miles from my destination. I managed to coast to the side of the road and by a total fluke, lifted the pedal up again and it seemed to all be working. I thought it worth trying to drive the last few miles which thankfully went ok and I phoned the RAC when I got there. As it took a few hours for them to arrive, we had time to visit the property and garden and have lunch (and a good catch up as we haven’t all got together for a couple of years). I was very lucky to have had such a lovely place to wait for the breakdown truck!
When he arrived, he said it was a fairly common problem with old VWs and that it wasn’t safe to drive so he’d tow me to a garage near to home. I wasn’t altogether keen to spend an hour at such close quarters with someone I don’t live with, but I was very grateful to be rescued and there wasn’t a lot of choice.
So now the car is at the garage and I’ll wait to find out how much this will cost - think it could be quite expensive. I hope it’s affordable - I’m not really ready to give up this car yet.
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