Doors to the Past
I have a passion for old doors - the older the better - the more weathered they are, the more I like them! Today, I found a new source!!
There is a design/furniture shop called "Arteriors", close by where I work. Although I have shot outside it on several occassions, I had never gone in. Today, I ventured inside to see what other wonders they might have to offer a person with my "tastes". To my astonishment, the place is a treasure-trove of gorgeous Southwest style furnishings, many exhibiting significant signs of weathering and age.
The owner, Dominic seems to have put together an impressive collection of household furnishings and "objets d'art" Southwest style. His place is on Montgomery NE - if you are in the market for that sort of thing, I highly recommend you look him up. Tell him Dave, the photographer, sent you.
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