
I waited all day for the rain that seems to be skirting around us....the temperature has dropped and the sky is now gray, and there's a blustery wind. But no rain. Theoretically there will be some later. But starting Wednesday it looks like we'll be into our typical late fall/winter weather with rain showers and clouds pretty much every day. So a small bit of sun today was OK!

I'm actually getting ready for a very brief trip to Palm Springs, CA - leaving very early tomorrow and returning Wednesday. My husband is going to a conference in San Diego, CA and I'll meet him in Palm Springs tomorrow. They he'll go on to his conference and I'll fly back home. So we'll have about 48 hours of lovely sun! And you'll see photos of palm trees ;-)

Meanwhile, it does feel very fall-like here. Today I planted this ornamental kale - it's not meant to be edible - along with chrysanthemums (in the extra) in a large container with some other plants. I'll switch out the mums as they go by for some other ornamental plants that will cheer us up during the winter months.

Hope your weekends have been marvelous ones!

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