Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Memories. Nutty. Heroes.

Tempus Fugit a former Royal marine reservist, reminded me in my blip from yesterday that sweeties, chocolate etc are known as “Nutty” in the Navy and Royal Marines. How could I ever forget? 

Fifteen years ago an annual gathering of serving and former Royal Marines gathered for a gentle 14 mile Bimble around Princetown, Dartmoor and a few pints of falling over juice. Afterwards, a box of Rolos, special Rolos, with a photograph attached were handed out, as you do. This is my pack. I cannot open them, they are too precious a memory. The man in the centre of the image is my mate Yorkie, his troop was waiting to reembark on a big ship to return them to their homes in the UK. They had just completed their job in the Falklands. Yorkie was a Troop Sgt, to the left is the Troop Officer and to the right is a young marine with his headover keeping his nut warm. His face displays the characteristic 1,000 metre stare, he is still alive, shocked but ready to do anything asked of him. Yorkie was proud to take his men out and then bring them all back, members of the famous Zulu Company, 45 Commando. 

The officer is looking in surprise at the contents of Yorkie’s manky paws, he has a new packet of Rolos, he was halfway through his first packet. They were his “last gasp” energy supply, kept to hand and ready to boost him if needed. I enlarged the picture and we approached Cadbury’s, we had a contact there, to see if they would sell Rolos with Yorkie’s picture as part of the wrapper. “No, sorry!” The proceeds, in part, would have gone to the Royal Marines charity. 

Many more men died as a result of PTSD than died during the battles for the islands. During the final night battle on Two Sisters Yorkie ran out of ammunition in the final assault and bayoneted three Argentinians. He has suffered with the mental stresses ever since. However with help from medical specialists and above all, his mates, he is still with us, working as hard as ever to provide charity funding for the cause. Here’s a link to Boyzee's  Blip. He and his wonderful family completed the Commando Challenge today, raising funds for the RM Charity. To them and all the other entrants I raise my Green Lid and say a heartfelt thank you. 

We will remember them.

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