Guess where this was .....

...... found!
As I came onto the church drive this morning I found these Fungi growing. Only a couple of days ago I said I hadn't seen any fungi this year. So I was delighted to find these this morning. After a lovely service it was great to hear that Friday's quiz & Curry night raised £800.00 pounds ( after expenses had been taken out) towards a water leakage ,that means we don't have any heating at the moment.
Tho' I didnt go on Friday it was great to hear the the Rector & his wife did ALL the cooking of the Curry. It's great when they get so involved.
Dry day tho' I feel still cold , even the fact the forecast was warmer this p.m. !!
Enjoy the rest of your sunday folks.

Thoughtful ..... that these last 2 week of "summertime" should be enjoyed as the dark nights are coming fast now.

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