Brave souls…

We were packed up by 9am but wanted to hang around with Valerie & Neil until they were collected. Traffic delays meant that would be even later than expected so we all agreed goodbye had to happen so let’s go for it.

Some returned to Dunster to visit the castle and water mill. We headed, with Big Sis, for Barnstaple and then Minehead. We’ve had great times in Minehead, actually staying at Butlins for conferences, and I wanted to see the sea. These people assured me the water temperature was very pleasant, their chattering teeth, woolly hats and flasks of hot drink maybe telling the true story.

The journey home was straightforward but long. Devon is a long way! We received messages as we each got home, happy for safe journeys and a great time together.

Yeovil is easily reached by train from
Waterloo. We’ll be using the train in the months ahead.

My pink for BCAM month is below again. Many thanks for looking and clicking!

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