
Beautiful north east wind light at 09.13 this morning. I had just unlocked the gate and turned round.

The temp dipped to 5c early last night but rallied to 8c by dawn. A lovely boisterous crisp day which occasioned me to take more stuff to the dump and go to co-op. Then a three hour stint strimming (extra).

Some clouds on the horizon: The neo fascist attack on the CGIL Union federation building in Rome at the weekend as ‘part’ of a no vax/no covidpass demo. Imagine the national front rampaging it through the TUC hq in London. As the deadline approaches for either Covid pass or rapid test every 48 hours to go to work there are no vax plans to strike at Italy’s ports (40% of Trieste’s 1500 port workers are not vaccinated).

Things are going so well for Italy at the moment. Less than 3000 cases a day, economy outgunning forecasts, the Draghi government being competent.

Hopefully this is not a moment of overreach. There are moves to outlaw the neo fascist New Order and talk of troops being used to police no vax/no pass demos. Some concession is probably needed: either employers or the state to pay for rapid tests rather than this falling on workers who for whatever reason have declined vaccination.

These issues are dominating the news at the moment.

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