Face to Face after 18 months
This year has been extraordinarily busy - fully booked up for the year by June and all of it online except for one day!
Last week I designed and facilitated a Leadership development event for 90 people in Norfolk on behalf of The Leadership Trust. It went very well.
There was one thing I had not accounted for though, it had been 18 months since my last face to face event and in that time I had not needed to project my voice. To get above the noise levels in the room I had to raise my voice and at some point I had to go to volume 11! Too loud.
Unfortunately this strained my vocal chords and so for the rest of the morning I used a microphone. This at least allowed the chords to heal and by the afternoon my voice was back in shape.
All bookings for next year so far are online based. However, I may have to raise my voice a little indoors every now and then to keep the it in better shape just in case it is needed!
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