Kathmandu Crush

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

This picture is actually from last night, but I have no blip for today so it will have to do. 

I was a cocktail called "Kathmandu Crush" from a place called "Monsoon Poon", where we met OrkneyCaro and the G-Man for dinner. I have no idea what is in it. I did not bring my reading glasses and so I just stopped on the first word I recognised: "tequila".  

Caro did the same with "vodka".

As usual larfs were had. This time at the expense of G-Man's dotty old auntie Lorraine who is now in an old folks home, and lives for the gossip. 

She got talking to OrkneyCaro about a relative who has come out as lesbian.

"OooOOOOOOOoooOOOOOh!!!" said OrkneyCaro, mimicking Lorraine. "Fancy that! A LESBIAN!"

There was a meaningful pause. 

"Mind you. I once tried to be a lesbian myself," said Lorraine. "But I just couldn't get into it."

I can't wait to be an old person so I can say things like that. Well maybe not that exactly, but you get the idea.


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