A Morning wi Mary an Tommy

Raining first thing, but dried up, remained cloudy and windy.  

Day off, and up early.  Managed to get two loads of washing out this morning, and dried.  Headed out walkies after breakfast.  Popped over to see Mary and Tommy in the morning, and spent a couple of hours with them.  Met mam for lunch, and then a few hours working in the shop this afternoon.  Popped by Madeline's this evening, and finished off with a last walk with Sammy.  Feet up now.

Mary invited me over, as she's needing help with a book she's putting together, and wants me to help with the graphics.  We headed through the house, were Tommy was busy watching the local livestock sales.  We settled down with a cuppa or two, and tasty homemade broonie.  I had a great morning listening to old stories about both my granddad's, mostly Mitchell and his family north.  If I didn't have plans later, I could have stayed and listened and laughed all day.  They both run their croft as part of a croft trail, with many visitors, mostly schools.  Tommy is also a well renowned local boat builder, also musical instruments.  The fiddle here was partly made using homegrown wood.  Mary and Tommy Isbister at home, Burland, Trondra.  

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