I woke with a headache around 4 am. Blamed it on the wine the previous evening, though the amount I drank certainly wasn't excessive. Up around 6 and had a few ibuprofen. That didn’t shift it and when I had what I would call hot flushes later in the morning I began to get worried and thought Covid. Lunchtime came and I’d lost my appetite. I struggled though the afternoon and walked* to the post box with a birthday card then returned via the college university campus. Most years in the autumn I photograph this tree on the main drive. It needs good light and from a distance didn’t look photogenic. However, when underneath some leaves looked redder. Blip sorted. I’ll return for a better shot.
The evening brought some improvement in how I felt ……. I knew that I’d need to get tested if symptoms persisted into tomorrow.
I’d recommend reading the next blip before commenting.
*Keeping well away from other people.
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