Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Got chatting to a neighbour when I got home from grocery shopping.  He stopped mowing the lawn and showed me this rather large mushroom.  I said I would take a photo later on and he said I'd better get a move on as he was going to run the mower over it!!  He was winding me up as its still there, I did a check!  I was telling him about the shaggy ink caps I saw the other day and I couldn't believe it when he told me he had some!! I had a look at them and am very envious!  Got half the grass cut this afternoon and found a few clumps of mushrooms ... didn't run the mower over them.  

Saw something on Facebook earlier about a guy having to be rescued from the estuary nr Port Carlisle yesterday  ... he was stuck up to his thighs in mud and the tide was coming in.  He was lucky to be rescued!  

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