One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Big Foot knits

her sick leave away... 
Wearing just a singlet is not exactly what the doctor recommends for a nasty chest cough but she was just after doing a twenty minute bout of serious expectoration. She was overheating apparently. 
Took Mimi and Finn to the covid test centre (they had a two-for-one deal) this morning and they were very well looked after. I managed to sneak a stealthy shot of the nurse who swabbed them. He was really funny and full of positive energy. 

The rest of the day was spent putting together a complicated contract. It wasn't funny. It wasn't full of positive energy.  

Went to the Forty Foot for my swim after work and it was pleasantly quiet. I could hear myself splash for a change. 

So, fourteen years? It goes in a flash, doesn't it? I think that an unguarded family scene is fitting. At the end of the day, they are the ones that matter most to me. Those little everyday moments that become the past before you realise it. And that are at risk of being forgotten, unless you capture them. 

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